Venue Hire

Welcome to New Plymouth Bowling Club, your perfect venue for celebrations, nestled in the tranquil privacy of Dean Park’s garden setting. The bowling club provides plentiful parking space, a kitchen that is decked out with all the essentials, a BBQ for those perfect outdoor gatherings, and a well-stocked bar. And the best part? All this comes at prices that won’t break your bank!

Our top-notch facilities are just the right place for your special event. Our seasoned bowlers are always available to provide coaching, help with scoring, and share their insider tips and tricks. We assure you that bowls, jacks, scoreboards, and all other necessary equipment are included in the venue hire.

Our club is not limited to bowling events; we also offer our facilities for corporate and private social events. Whether you’re organising a small group event or a grand gathering of up to 300 people, we can cater to it all.

If you’re planning a birthday, a family get-together, a corporate function, staff training, a Christmas party, or any special event with or without bowling, don’t hesitate to contact Val McEldowney at 027 414 7528 or Red Robertson at 027 233 7574 or send an email with the form below.

Club Rules and Important Information

Bowling is available at just $5 per person per event, with no time limit. However, most social games typically last between 2-3 hours.

We kindly request that only flat shoes be worn on the grass greens. Jandals and sandals are acceptable. Heels are not allowed on the greens as they will damage them.

Please be aware that any greens, clubroom, or equipment damage will incur charges.

The use of the greens is subject to weather conditions.

Please note that our club license does not permit BYO alcohol or other beverages.

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